I established my business first as 2Cups Green Tea Hawaii focusing on the active community trying to help people make healthier choices for energy, stamina and hydration by educating how green tea supports metabolism, immunity and our cardiovascular system, plus much more. Then we expanded our goal to bring many other natural resources for addressing health concerns of our customers, evolving to how we’re now known as ‘Green Health FIRST’. Being Intentional is prudent! We intentionally choose events that support local non-profits and fundraisers for local needs to ‘give-back’. For 6+ years, we’ve raised money for the MS Society, Alzheimer’s, different cancer groups, organizations supported by Cary’s Fit and Able Productions, along with many more organizations- see them on the GreenHealthFIRST.com website at the ‘Community’ page.

The shut-down of all public activities/events has dampened our support in this way. Nonetheless, we adapted our focus to provide virtual education on immunity boosting resources along with tools for balancing mental wellness via weekly webinars and retailing custom-made products in local stores & at the Midtown Farmer’s Market on Saturdays in Raleigh’s North Hills plaza throughout May. Our offerings at the Market include all-natural hand cleaners, essential oil roller blends for topical application and all-natural safe-for-your-skin bug repellant spray. Our weekly webinars are often co-hosted by nurses sharing practical applications of essential oils for everyday use and many are focused on particular topics like hormones, immunity, thyroid, and toxin-free living, skincare & gardening, to name a few.

The main hand cleaner is custom-made with witch hazel (<15% alcohol max- important because high alcohol content cleaners kill all the good bacteria that help our bodies fight, along with the ‘bad’ germs), coconut oil and the protective essential oil blend, designed for immune support. This blend contains orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus & Rosemary essential oils AND is used for these reasons:
The protective essential oil blend was mixed in water and sprayed to clean MRSA from an operating table; with daily testing for 7 days, no new growth of MRSA was detected until the 7th day after cleaning- even after reintroducing MRSA on the 4th day!
- Orange– antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-infectious, improves sluggish digestion, antidepressant(all citrus)
- Clove– antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiparasitic
- Cinnamon– antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-infectious, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, helps regulate blood sugar
- Eucalyptus– antibacterial, antiseptic, supports respiratory health
- Rosemary– antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, supports memory

Other blends are available. There are decades, even centuries in some cases, of data showing the therapeutic properties of our natural resources – much found in pubmed.gov – our medical providers’ research tool. One cannot claim essential oils can treat or cure any health issues/flu/viruses. They do support the many systems in the body to strengthen it, and help it fight, just as nutrients in our foods are known to do.
Typical ‘hand sanitizers have >60% alcohol on average; while this is good for cleaning surfaces, it’s not good for frequent use on our skin. I understand the CDC’s guidance and respect following it for killing the virus cells. I also understand that use of high-alcohol content sanitizers are required in many settings, still, we do need to replenish the good ‘fighters’ and nutrients to our bodies that alcohol kills. Adding 100% plant- derived essential oils(the plant’s immune system), which are 50-70% more powerful than the typical serving one gets with fresh plants, feeds the body many nutrients/therapeutic properties that support in various ways, especially those from herbs & spices. Add MORE fresh herbs/spices into your diet to equip the body to fight.

As a Rotarian, we initiated a fabric mask campaign that our members supported by buying fabric, sewing and distributing them to local residents and businesses to include several nursing homes, medical facilities, restaurants and retailers along with needy residents. We made several Prayer squares with encouraging messages for those virus patients isolated at Harnett Health’s Betsy Johnson facility. Angier Rotary supported the food pantry as well as worked with other local non-profits (TMACS & Santa & Friends) and identified many families for which we could purchase and supply groceries/toiletries as they were waiting for additional aid.
Green Health FIRST is a local Small business that is in business to improve our community in various ways giving back through partnerships. We’d like to empower and equip YOU to be your best you and optimize your health and environment with our Gifts of the Earth! Please contact Angie Ceroli 919 656-0963/angceroli@gmail.com to join or receive recordings of our learning webinars that occur on Tuesdays at 630pm & Thursdays at 130pm. Please visit/like facebook.com/2cupsgreenteahawaii- for encouragement, hope and wellness articles/tips.